Hummingbirds are amazing birds that can bring joy and beauty to any garden. They are also important pollinators that help many flowers grow and thrive. If you live in or around the River Valley, you can attract hummingbirds to your garden in spring by providing them with food, water, shelter, and safety. In this blog, we will share some tips and tricks on how to do that, and what to check before you start.

When to Put Out Hummingbird Feeders

The first step to attract hummingbirds is to put out hummingbird feeders filled with sugar water. This will supplement the natural nectar sources that hummingbirds seek from flowers. But when is the best time to put out hummingbird feeders in the River Valley?

According to Wild Bird Scoop, hummingbirds typically arrive in Arkansas in late March or early April, depending on the weather and the availability of food. However, some hummingbirds may come earlier or later than usual, so it’s a good idea to check the Journey North map to see the latest sightings of hummingbirds in your area.

It’s recommended to have your feeders cleaned, filled, and put out a few weeks before the expected arrival of hummingbirds, in case they come sooner than expected. Hummingbirds have a great memory and will remember where they found food in previous years. If they find your feeders when they first arrive, they are more likely to stay and visit regularly.

Where to Get Hummingbird Nectar

You can buy hummingbird nectar from any of the Yeagers Ace Hardware locations. Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red. In the past, red coloring was used to help attract hummingbirds to feeders. Many red colorants can be harmful to hummingbirds so many companies have halted the use of the red coloring or have found other ways of tinting to be red naturally. At Yeagers, we carry Kaytee ElectroNectar Hummingbird Sucrose Nectar 64oz. This clear version of the nectar is extremely effective in providing a wide array of benefits for your Spring visitors.

Hummingbird nectar is relatively easy to make at home. All you need is white granulated sugar and water. The ratio is four parts water to one part sugar (for example, one cup of water to 1/4 cup of sugar). Boil the water to remove any impurities and dissolve the sugar. Let it cool completely before filling your feeders. You can store the leftover nectar in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

How to Clean Hummingbird Feeders

Keeping your hummingbird feeders clean is very important to prevent the growth of mold, bacteria, and yeast that can cause diseases in hummingbirds. You should change the nectar every few days, especially in hot weather, and clean the feeders at least once a week. This is important to remember when filling your feeders as well. You will want to monitor about how long it takes for you to see how much nectar is used so as not to overfill what will be needed before you clean the feeder.

To clean your feeders, rinse them with hot water and scrub them with a bottle brush or a sponge. You can use a mild vinegar solution (one part vinegar to four parts water) to disinfect the feeders but avoid using soap or bleach. Make sure to rinse the feeders thoroughly and let them dry before refilling them. You can also use a small brush or a pipe cleaner to clean the feeding ports and prevent clogging.

What Type of Hummingbird Feeder is Best?

When it comes to finding the perfect hummingbird feeder there are several types to choose. Here are some basic tips to selecting the perfect hummingbird feeder for your home.

  • Glass – Glass nectar bottles have been used traditionally to provide an easy and durable way to properly clean and sanitize the feeder. With the ability to handle high heat and scrubbing, glass is an easy choice. Some downfalls to using glass can be outside forces at play. For example, glass hummingbird feeders may not be the best selection in areas with children or if they hang over hard surfaces like cement. One of our favorite glass nectar bottle styles is the Perky-Pet Hummingbird 12 oz Copper/Glass Nectar Feeder
  • Plastic – Plastic nectar bottles are durable and can withstand a lot of damage should they fall. They are also lighter weight than most glass nectar bottles to keep from hanging in areas with little support. When selecting a plastic nectar bottle, be sure to check and make sure you can easily access all internal areas with a bottle brush to make sure you can properly clean it between fillings. Our favorite plastic nectar feeder is the Perky-Pet Hummingbird 16 oz Plastic Nectar Feeder.
  • Bases – Plastic or metal are equally good in this category. Things you will want to try and incorporate are the color red. Many feeders have red on them already, but you could always add a red ribbon to draw attention to your feeder if it is missing that feature. You will want to make sure there are multiple ports with a lot of space to allow ease in getting as close as necessary as they typically stay in flight during feeding. Resting bars on the feeder are a great option, however most frequently, hummingbirds are there to gather nectar and not rest.

How to Hang Hummingbird Feeders

The location of your hummingbird feeders can make a difference in how many hummingbirds you attract and how comfortable they feel. Here are some tips on how to hang hummingbird feeders in your garden:

  • Hang your feeders in a shaded or semi-shaded spot to keep the nectar from fermenting and spoiling.
  • Hang your feeders near flowers that hummingbirds like, such as lantana, zinnia, salvia, petunia, and foxglove. This will provide them with more food options and attract them to your feeders.
  • Hang your feeders away from other bird feeders, windows, and predators, such as cats, hawks, and squirrels. This will reduce the competition and the risk of injury or predation for hummingbirds.
  • Hang more than one feeder in different parts of your garden, at least 10 feet apart from each other. This will prevent one dominant hummingbird from chasing away others and allow more hummingbirds to feed at the same time.
  • Hang your feeders at a height that is easy for you to reach and refill, but high enough to deter pests and pets. You can also use ant guards, ant moats, bee guards, or petroleum jelly to prevent ants, bees, and wasps from invading your feeders. A great option for deterring ants from climbing to the nectar is the Perky-Pet Ant Moat. This offers as a buffer between the cord/chain/rope where your hummingbird feeder hangs to stop ants from overtaking the feeder.

How to Provide Water for Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds need water not only for drinking, but also for bathing. Bathing helps them keep their feathers in good condition and remove any sticky nectar residue or dust. However, hummingbirds rarely visit traditional birdbaths. They prefer to bathe in mist or spray.

To provide water for hummingbirds, you can install a mister, a fountain, or a bubbler in your garden. You can also attach a hose nozzle or a sprinkler to a tree branch or a pole and set it to a fine spray. Make sure the water is clean and fresh, and change it regularly. If you have a birdbath and just want to keep the water moving to prevent stagnant water, you can use the API Water Agitator. This is a battery operated device they sits in the middle of your birdbath to stop mosquito breeding and the moving water reflects in the light to draw the attention of birds. You can also add some rocks or pebbles to the water source to create a shallow area for hummingbirds to perch and drink.

How to Provide Shelter for Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds need shelter to rest, nest, and hide from predators and bad weather. You can provide shelter for hummingbirds by planting shrubs, trees, and vines in your garden. These will offer them natural cover and protection, as well as nesting materials and perches.

Some of the plants that hummingbirds like to use for shelter are holly, juniper, pine, spruce, honeysuckle, trumpet creeper, and morning glory. If you are looking for the perfect plants and shrubs to attract hummingbirds, talk to one of our team members in the Yeagers garden centers. They are always ready to help you create the landscaping you want to enhance your life.

How to Enjoy Hummingbirds in Your Garden

Once you have attracted hummingbirds to your garden, you can enjoy watching their amazing behavior and beauty. Here are some tips on how to enjoy hummingbirds in your garden:

  • Observe hummingbirds from a distance and avoid disturbing them. You can use binoculars, a camera, or a spotting scope to get a closer look at their features and colors.
  • Learn to identify the different species and genders of hummingbirds that visit your feeders. You can use a field guide, an app, or a website, such as All About Birds, to help you with identification and information.
  • Keep a journal or a log of your hummingbird sightings and observations. You can record the date, time, location, species, gender, behavior, and other details of each sighting. You can also take photos or videos of the hummingbirds and share them with your friends or family.
  • Participate in citizen science projects that involve hummingbirds, such as Project FeederWatch, Hummingbirds at Home, or eBird. These projects allow you to contribute your data and observations to help researchers and conservationists study and protect hummingbirds and their habitats.

Still need more help on attracting hummingbirds this Spring? Stop by any of our local Yeagers Ace Hardware locations and ask any of our “Helpful Folks” for great advice and outstanding service.